Friday, March 30, 2007

Chapter 11: In which the Pirates visit the Library(thing)

The final lesson this week took us to LibraryThing, a site where anyone can create a catalog of their personal library. Much like DVD Aficionado, LibraryThing can get pretty exact. Own a first edition of the Lord of the Rings? Or perhaps the edition of Enders Game containing a deleted chapter where Ender and Bean let some pigs loose in the school?* You can tell LibraryThing you own that that edition and brag to your friends!

I only added 6 titles to my catalog for now, and I've got plenty more at home to do. One thing I do recommend though, especially if you're a stickler for accuracy: search by ISBN. This way you can make sure you've got the right publisher, the right edition, and the right cover. Sounds like a lot of work though, huh? I mean, I've got somewhere between 100-200 books on my shelves, including lots of books that have been released and re-released countless times! That's a lot of ISBNs!

This is where LibraryThing goes from great to SUPERAWESOMENIFTYKEEN!

Cue the... errr... :CueCat! This awesome little barcode scanner, coupled with LibraryThing, makes entering in your entire library easier than Tote Checkin (no pesky exceptions). For just $15, you can buy a :CueCat from LibraryThing, plug it into your USB port at home, and start scanning like there's no (shipment) tomorrow. How awesome is that?!

If only the cat at home could enter ISBNs for me. Sadly, mostly he just sleeps and begs for food.


While I read a lot, that doesn't mean I read well. I completely skipped one of the most important things!

A very piratey library collection


Angela said...

That is a fabulous idea!

Ummm...can I borrow it when you're done with your library?

Shortbeard the Pernicious said...

If I decide to buy one, certainly! I'm still undecided though.

Wendy said...

Much obliged for your link! I'll check it out. BTW, I'm a livejournaler by trade. Is there a simple way to reply to comments in a thread? Or is this the most efficient route to reply? Thanks again!